1. How does the technology work, and what specific features does it include?
All Stewart Golf USA’s electric walking caddies are powered by the world’s first three dimensional distance measurement technology, which is exclusive to the company. Ultra secure Bluetooth Class 1 electronics provide one-to-one high power and long range communication between the caddie and the remote handset.
In Manual and Remote modes, directional and speed signals sent by the user using the simple handset keypad are converted ito power adjustments to dual Eco Drive single piece steel and aluminum British made 190 watt DC motors.
In Follow mode, the caddie takes triangulated readings from the positioning of the handset every 200 milliseconds and automatically adjusts the motors to position the caddie EXACTLY in the optimum position behind the user.
At the heart of every Q Follow from Stewart Golf USA is, of course, its battery. 18-hole and 36-hole versions are available, both featuring the latest LiFePO4 lithium technology. The hardened cases are bespoke design and have the very simplest play-and-play mechanism available: no wires to connect, no exposed terminals to be worrying about when it rains. The integrated cell management system balances power evenly across all the cells, delivering consistent power when you’re playing and simple, straightforward, efficient charging between rounds.
The days of worrying how much power you might or might not have are gone too: the totally free SmartPower battery app for IOS and Android takes care of that for you. Whether you’re out on the course or not, once you paid your mobile device with your battery you can instantly see what level of power consumption you’re running at and see how much power you’ve got left. Voltage, current, and temperature are all reported in real time, giving you ultimate peace of mind.
2. Why do electric golf caddies improve golfing performance?
The health benefits of using an electric walking caddie over driving around the course in an electric ride-on cart are undisputed: a recent independent medical study found that: “One round of golf per week may significantly contribute to the minimum recommended exercise requirements for adults”.
Golfers who walk but carrying their bag and clubs will see big benefits from electric walking caddies too: the same study bag that that carrying clubs had the highest perceived effort levels and leads to increased fluctuation in heart rate, which is bad news when you’re trying to sink that nervy three-footer to save par.
Healthier golfers are better golfers but electric walking caddies boost the mental side of golf too by making the pace of play constant and removing the stop-start nature of using electric ride-on cart: you’re not rushing up to your ball like you are in a ride-on cart and then having to wait to play your shot.
3. How much does the Stewart Golf Q Follow cost – Your purchasing guide
The Q Follow caddie with a 36-hole battery in the standard black finish costs just $2,699: a 36-hole battery only adds $200 and a carbon fiber effect finish is only another $200 on top of that.
Included in the price are chargers for both the caddie battery and the handset, a waterproof silicone skin for the handset, and a built-in scorecard holder.
Other accessories available for the Q Follow include sand bottle, travel bag, standard and adjustable umbrella holders, drinks holders and a food bag.
4. How do you operate the Q Follow golf trolley?
Manual mode is perfect for tight spaces, parking lots, bridges, paths, and when you’re walking between bunkers. You can guide the caddie with one hand and adjust the speed on the remote handset in the other hand, or clip the handset onto the handle to let you do both at the same time one-handed. It really is that simple and safe to use.
Remote mode is designed for around the greens or when you’re off the fairway. You can be upto 50 yards away from the caddie and still control it easily and responsive using the handset. When you get to your ball, park the caddie right by it, then place the handset on the cradle when taking your shot. If you’re going to walk any distance away from the caddie you can also keep the handset with you so you can drive it to your next position, so there’s no need to keep walking to where your caddie is. Regular and Glide steering offer you even more personalization, and so do the two programmable cruise control speeds.
Follow mode is the greatest: and once you’ve tried it you won’t look back. The open fairway is the perfect environment for Follow: simply press the ‘Follow’ button with the handset within 20” and directly in front of the machine then clip the handset onto a pocket or a belt loop and slowly walk away in the direction that the caddie is facing. Once you start moving away from the caddie it will immediately follow, constantly monitoring where you and the handset are react to your speed and movements. When you reach your ball and stop, the Q Follow will also stop: simply put the handset on the cradle, select your club, and take your shot. Once you’re ready to start walking again, just replace your club into your bag, put the handset back on your back pocket/belt, and walk again – The Q Follow will again pick up your pace. If you ever need to stop for any reason the the follow feature allows the caddie to stay behind you, and when you are ready to start walking again it will be too.
5. Why invest in an electric golf caddie?
The Q Follow from Stewart Golf USA is quite simply the greatest electric caddie ever produced and lets you play your golf in the most enjoyable way ever: more compact; lighter in weight; easier to transport; healthier on your body; more gentle on your golf swing; and using cutting edge technology and design to give you ultimate walking golf experience.
Handbuilt in Great Britain to the highest precision engineering standards and individually serial-numbered, it takes your walking golf not just to the next level but beyond it.